I'm sure by now many of you have had the debate over putting a windshield on your Can-Am Ryker. First argument is how it changes the look. With so many different styles from Can-Am and aftermarkets there might be something out there for you. The next argument is necessity, the debate on that issue is split some say it makes no difference in there ride. What are your feelings ?

Compare for yourself and if you want to see the installation and review click on the link.
Info About Keith Hammer

I was a two wheel owner who upgraded to three. I own a 2019 Ryker know as the ShadowBlackRyker on Instagram. I produce a YouTube channel, that covers installs, upgrades, ride-outs and Vlogs. I also produce and host a podcast "Rolling On 3" for all three wheel owners. Contact me at my email rollingon3wheeels@gmail.com or my twitter