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What have you done to your Can Am ?


How much modifications have you done to your Can Am Ryker / Spyder ? Cant recall ? I know why, you don't keep a detailed record of all your Kilometers Mods Maintenance. I got what you need, a log book to keep track of all the work you done to your Can Am. Inside you will find a place to record your service dates and money spent.

Created by a Can Am Ryker owner who does his own servicing and upgrades. Click on the pic to order your book from amazon today.

Info About Keith Hammer

I was a two wheel owner who upgraded to three. I own a 2019 Ryker know as the ShadowBlackRyker on Instagram. I produce a YouTube channel, that covers installs, upgrades, ride-outs and Vlogs. I also produce and host a podcast "Rolling On 3" for all three wheel owners. Contact me at my email or my twitter


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